Animal Protection - Circuses and Zoos


Ought animals to be used for human entertainment? Unfortunately, the answer is "yes" in the 21st century. Many parents take their kids to circuses and turn a blind eye to animal cruelty. I'm not a big fan of treating animals badly and keeping them in captivity. I'm persuaded about the fact that animals should have the right to be protected and treated humanely.


Living in cages:

A tremendous number of animals have been stolen from their families and been removed from their natural habitat and environment. Millions of animals have to live in captivity in outrageously miserable conditions and circumstances and are exposed to a lot of senseless pain. Circus trainers usually discipline them with whips to make them obey the commands given to them. Animals trained in circus tents had better be obedient otherwise they will be beaten with bullhooks and whipped into submission. They are trained to do unnatural and senseless tricks for human entertainment and to amuse the audience.

Living in cages

Constant travel:

Constant travel means that they are confined within their trailer and they barely have enough space to live since these boxcars are not spacious enough. They have no access to the basic necessities such as food, water and veterinary care and therefore they cannot even meet their physiological needs. They are forced to eat, drink sleep, defecate and urinate in the same place that is not considered to be so hygienic.

Animal trailer


Unnatural tricks:

I would also like to emphasize that these animals are forced to do things that they are not used to. There is an estimated number that elephants walk approximately 30 miles in just one day and they would never stand on small stools. Likewise, tigers would never jump through fire hoops because they naturally have a fear of fire. These animals are forced to do such kinds of ridiculous stunts through violence and aggression that is called circus animal abuse.

An elephant standing on a stool

Tiger jumping through a fire hoop


I think zoos are a little bit better places to live in because, although animals are held captive, they live in artificially made environments that are similar to their natural habitat. Many zoos declare that the reason why they hold animals in captivity is that they want to protect those endangered species from extinction. The main counter-argument that zoos have is that the natural habitats of these animals have disappeared due to such kind of human activity like deforestation. Not to mention that many animals are excessively hunted.

Captive life in zoos


In a nutshell, I think that animals do not belong in cages. The artificial environment in zoos cannot be compared to those tropical rainforests where these animals initially lived. Instead of going to circuses and visiting zoos, people ought to support those organizations that help protect the animals. Circuses should go on tour with animal-free performances. Instead of tigers jumping through fire hoops, jugglers, acrobats, clowns, fire eaters and magicians should do tricks to provide real entertainment.

Going to the circus - Picture Description - 5percangol (B1 - C1)

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