Speech on Education

Motion: THS that salaries of teachers should be increased in institutionalized education.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker! Dear honourable members of the House!


In today’s debate, we are all looking for the answer to whether or not more subsidies should be distributed to teachers in institutionalized education. In my speech, I will go into further detail on how the latter could be attained. 

My speech will consist of 5 parts:

  1. First of all, I will give the exact definition of what the government mean by the word education.
  2. In the second part of my speech, I shall exemplify this by the status quo in Hungary.
  3. Thirdly, I will substantiate this problem by giving the highly-likely exacerbations of the situations provided that there is no intervention in time.
  4. In part four, I shall introduce what alteration(s) should take place.
  5. In the final part, I will provide a possible solution for the above-mentioned problem and draw a conclusion based on sufficient evidence.


First part: Definition

In today’s world, it is a myriad of people’s, if not everyone’s, interest that the improvement of a government is deeply embedded in the notion of whether or not the future generation is given the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in real life.  Needless to say, we all want to fulfil our own potential.  We all want to deal with the burdens of life and solve those problems under our own steam.  In other words, education, which we are all in need of, is the core of our skills coming to fruition one day.

Second part: Status quo

Currently, Hungarian educational institutions are striving to employ enough teachers in their facilities. This can mainly be accounted for the disproportionally low amount of money paid to them for conscientiously teaching our little ones.

Given that sufficient amount of money were given to instructors, they would, by all means, be more motivated to hold lessons that could far more likely pass the bar of high-quality education. An abundance of teachers are in dead-end jobs in Hungary with no external incentives, whatsoever, to fulfil their tasks to the highest extent possible.

Third part: What effect would it have in the long run?

Unfortunately, in many cases, teachers opt to continue teaching in private facilities with the hope of higher salaries. There have been countless instances that those who stay in mainstream education are, in one case paedophiles, or lack the skills required to teach the material that their students, otherwise, need to acquire.

Fourth part: Alterations: (impact)

The only question to be taken into consideration is what alteration should be implemented in the status quo. As education is an investment in the future, shortages in teaching will not lead to economic growth. Instead, what we want is to galvanize the labour market, not only in education but in other areas of jobs with the ardent work of teachers, throughout the country. Therefore, educational courses, be they vocational or anything else, is the main interest of all states.

Besides that, for compassionate reasons we would provide the opportunity for students from less-endowed backgrounds, as well, to move up the carrier ladder and achieve their dreams whatever they may be. Those destitute high-achievers should be given the chance to embrace the opportunity to get into prestigious universities by learning all the subjects that they are taught by their instructors.

Fifth part: Conclusion: (impact)

The one and only solution the government bench offers is to increase the salary and wage of those who embody the driving force of our world, teachers. Were more capital allocated for governmental education, it would definitely result in higher scores in exams, hence prosperity in all aspects of life, including living conditions.

For all these reasons, we pride ourselves on supporting this motion. Those who advocate the disincentivization of teachers are wrong, and what they say is bullshit. That is why the government begs to propose.


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